MoneyTree Program
Give your kids a financial headstart!

By Shazwi


Hey there, I'm Shazwi and as you may know I have attended the moneytree program for the first level and man am I glad to not regret it.

Firstly, it benefited me by increasing my financial literacy while having my academics to handle too. This prepares me for the future.

The best part is my friends and I are joining the next level, the intermediate level, where one gets to know explicitly the different stocks, bonds, and other investment instruments possible out there!!! Talking about being a teenager, being exposed to this is just a bonus before I start my adult life!

Secondly, MoneyTree is going to introduce the Young Entrepreneur's Start-Up Programme for those who have attended the intermediate level. This allows one to get full support from MoneyTree themselves and other experts in different fields. We will get to know the process on how to conduct a business from a scratch.

That's my share for today. I'm looking forward for the intermediate boot camp of moneytree at 20 November 2007. Those who wanna know more do leave a comment. I'd love to share this great opportunity for young people like me.


By Shazwi


Christabel Jen

Grace Lee

Jackson Yeo

Karithik s/o Prathaban


Subhadra d/o Ganesan


By Shazwi

MoneyTree was a blast...I was there and loved the whole program...
With professionals like Mike, Ryan and Brendan teaching us, we captured all the 
information we need in just 2 days...2 DAYS!

We actually got to learn what some adults may not know of...Like inflation rates...
Inflation makes the point of saving in banks partially "useless" because the rate at which
we "savers" get paid through interest is much lower than the rate at which the value of 
money is decreasing...Which goes to show that we are losing money every second...

The good thing about the MoneyTree program is that we are being tested like real adults..
We get to play the stock market, use credit cards, get interests, buy liabilities and many more...It is really like a simulated real world in just 2 days... 

Some of us got to reach a total amount of 7k moneytree dollars from 2.5k in just 2 days!!!
Talk about creating wealth!

Ever heard the myth from people that said " Money don't grow on trees "

Well, the truth is, money DO grow on trees. If you choose to see it in that way, it will grow and continue growing till the roots are deep down into the Earth and be very stable.

-Would you want this for your kids now so that they could have deep roots by the age of 20?
-Would you want your kids to have a financial headstart from the rest of his/her friends?
-Would you want your kids to be financially free at a very young age?

If the answer to all of those questions is YES, you're at the right place to come to.
Worry no more because the MoneyTree Program designed by XthreemInc. is specifically aimed at different target groups to meet the best out of them.


Shawn Lee

Nick Mah

See the difference between these kids and potentially your kids?

Ever wondered why you don't want your kids to mix around with the wrong people at a young age??? Ever wondered why it's hard to change a matured person???

It same applies to education. Your kids, like trees, need all the foundation they can get, either in academics or finance. When you grow trees from their fruits, you take care of them very well till they become strong enough to take care of themselves.They will then bear fruits, in this case, MONEY for the future.

Personally, I feel that with a strong foundation at the age of 9-13 years old, your kids will be equipped with all the education he can get because LOOK! Your kids are already financially literate and further more they understand the challenges that lie ahead and what to do to avoid those traps.

Simply head down to one of our previews on this program and look at your kids' enthusiasm light up and burn the whole room down!

Or leave a comment below to leave your details so that we can get back at you shortly.

'You deserve to be rich!'